Two toddlers burnt to death at Moshie Zongo

Two sibling toddles have burnt to death in a fire outbreak at Moshie Zongo in the Kumasi in Ashanti Region.

The victims are identified as one and half year Tahiru and nine months old girl Salma.

The fire started at about 8:30 am on Tuesday morning and it spreads through a single room where the family the resided.

The two siblings who were in the room couldn’t manage to escaped and got burnt to ashes.

The cause of the fire is not known as fire-fighters believe it was caused by electrical fault appliance after the repair of a meter in the house.

Assembly member for the area Mr. Emmanuel Nti Kyei indicated that the incident happened when the parents of the kids were not in the house.

“I had the call about the domestic fire outbreak in the morning. So I called the fire service to intervene. What we witnessed at the scene was that there were two children in there when the house was burning. Unfortunately, the residents couldn’t rescue them and they all got burnt to death” said Mr. Kyei.

The bodies of the deceased have been deposited at the Tafo government Hospital Morgue for investigation.

Source: Kwasi Peprah

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