NPP party boys clash with DCE at Mankranso

There was near pandemonium at Mankranso in the Ahafo Ano South West District in the Ashanti Region Wednesday midday when some members of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) clashed with the District Chief Executive (DCE).
The scene attracted many closeby residents and passersby and it took the intervention of the District Police Commander, Superintendent Richard Boahen to whisk the DCE away from the hands of angry party folk.
The DCE, Patrick Adusei, for security reasons had to leave his office to take cover from his residence.
As of the time of filing this report, the police were investigating the matter.
Some party members who engaged the DCE in the pandemonium told that the DCE called them for a short meeting and accused them of doing illegal mining (galamsey) in the area, warning them to end their activities before the law gets hold of them.
They denied the allegations but also accused the DCE for secretly conniving with one Alhaji at Baahikrom near Kunsu for engaging in galamsey activities.
The DCE also denied the accusation which resulted into a scuffle, with the party members attempting to pounce on the DCE.

By Owusu Ansah

Picture shows Ashanti Regional Chairman of the NPP, Bernard Antwi Boasiako (better known as Chairman Wontumi)

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