Police narrates how they overpowered and killed one armed robber in a gun battle

The Ashanti Regional Police Command has given accounts on how gun battle that led to the death of one suspected armed robber took place.
Ashanti Regional Police Public Relations Officer (PRO), Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Godwin Ahianyo, detailing to the ghanacrimereport.com revealed that on Tuesday May 11, 2021 at about 02.00am Jacobu Police Patrol team were on their routine patrol duties on the Anwiankwanta – Obuasi highway, and on reaching a section known to be robbery prone area between Heman and Akokoaso, four unmasked men emerged from the nearby bush flashing their torchlights signalling on coming vehicles to stop. 
One of them was holding a shot gun and the others wielding machetes.   
According to him, the one wielding the pump action gun on seeing the Police vehicle immediately fired at the Police as the police also returned fire leading to his death.
The other three suspects  managed to escape through the bush, adding that the body of the deceased was conveyed and deposited at the St. Peter’s Catholic hospital morgue awaiting identification and autopsy. 
The Patrol team returned to their normal patrols on the road in search of the escapees and at about 5.00am, they spotted three men walking along the roadside. 
They were accosted, arrested and detained for investigations. 
These suspects gave their names to police as Umar Boobey 59; Jibor Karim, 28, and Saadoh Ali, 23.
One short locally manufactured gun, two(2) live & two(2) empty AAA cartridges, one short machete, two(2) torchlights, four mobile phones and assorted dresses were retrieved from them, according to the police.

The three are still in the grips of the police assisting investigation. The police therefore urges the general public to always be vigilant and report any suspected criminal in the community.
By Gideon Kwasi Pepra

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